Hotel Sonchiraiya

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Circular Road, Shivpuri, Circular Road , Shivpuri , Madhya Pradesh

Hotel Sonchiraiya Overview - Shivpuri
The hotel offers accommodation in well-furnished rooms with facilities, such as AC, cable TV, daily newspaper, and tea/coffee maker. Hotel Sonchiraiya also offers facilities which include internet access, doctor on call and 24-hour room service. 

The Hotel Sonchiraiya is located on Circular Road in Shivpuri which is 8 kms. from railway/bus stand.

The National Park and Bhadriya Kund are on easy to reach distance of just (04 kms.) from the hotel.

Hotel Facilities
Lawns/Gardens | Internet Facility | Laundry Service | Doctor on Call | Conference Hall | Indoor Restaurant | Dining Hall 

Room Amenities
Air-Conditioning | Cable TV | Intercom Facility | Snack Basket | Fruit Basket | Tea/Coffee Maker | Mineral Water | Balcony/Sit Out | Sofa Unit | Electronic Safe | Daily Newspaper | Hot /Cold Running Water | Shower Area | Geyser In Bathroom | Bathroom Toiletries

The hotel has 20 rooms divided in 3 categories: Executive Rooms, AC Rooms and Air Cooled Rooms and with room service for 24 hours. 

The hotel offers multi-cuisine food in its indoor restaurant. 24-hour in-room dining facility is also available. 

Internet: Available |Parking Facility: Not Available

Check-in Time: 12:00 Noon | Check-out Time: 12:00 Noon

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1 comment

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