Madhav National Park Shivpuri

Madhav Vilas Palace Shivpuri

One of the prime tourist attractions in the small yet beautiful town of Shivpuri is the magnificent Madhav Vilas Palace. This marvelous palace in its…

Survaya Garhi - Shivpuri - Old Heritage

In this beautiful place, in between the lap of nature lies a Historical Monument - Survaya Garhi. This was one place which we missed last time. Garhi…

George Castle, Shivpuri

George castle at Madhav National Park, Shivpuri. It was built in 1911 by the Scindia ruler Jivaji Rao Scindia within the National Park at its highest…

Madhya Pradesh Shivpuri Hill Station

Shivpuri Weather, India Sat, 02 Feb Max: 25°C (78°F) Min: 15°C (60°F) 10mph / 15kph (ENE) » View detailed forecast History Shivpuri is a historic tow…
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