Madhav Vilas Palace Shivpuri

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One of the prime tourist attractions in the small yet beautiful town of Shivpuri is the magnificent Madhav Vilas Palace. This marvelous palace in itself is highly impressive and coupled with that the turrets of the palace offers great views of the Madhav National Park and the town of Shivpuri. You will be overwhelmed by the fantastic scenery.

History of Madhav Vilas Palace :

The Madhav Vilas Palace was the summer palace of the Scindhias of Gwalior. Presently it is the training centre of the Intelligence Bureau of the Government of India.

Description of Madhav Vilas Palace

The Madhav Vilas Palace, Shivpuri looks extremely enticing because it has been painted in very soft hues of rose pink. The look itself is exceedingly captivating. The Madhav Vilas Palace is emblematic of colonial architecture. It has marble flooring and the columns are made of iron. The terraces are elegant and refined. It points to the refined taste of the Scindhias. The Madhav Vilas Palace is indeed reflective of effortless beauty in form and proportion. There is a Ganapati Mandap at the Madhav Vilas Palace in Shivpuri.

How to reach Madhav Vilas Palace :

Gwalior is the nearest airport. Shivpuri has its own railway station but Gwalior is better connected by rail to various parts of the country. Bus is the most popular means of transportation is bus and roads link Shivpuri to nearly all the major towns and cities of Madhya Pradesh like Gwalior, Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain and Jhansi.

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