Shivpuri District Population 2014 mp

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Shivpuri District : Census 2011 data

Shivpuri District Overview

An official Census 2011 detail of Shivpuri, a district of Madhya Pradesh has been released by Directorate of Census Operations in Madhya Pradesh. Enumeration of key persons was also done by census officials in Shivpuri District of Madhya Pradesh. 

Shivpuri District Population 2011

In 2011, Shivpuri had population of 1,726,050 of which male and female were 919,795 and 806,255 respectively. In 2001 census, Shivpuri had a population of 1,406,031 of which males were 756,525 and remaining 649,506 were females. Shivpuri District population constituted 2.38 percent of total Maharashtra population. In 2001 census, this figure for Shivpuri District was at 2.33 percent of Maharashtra population. 

Shivpuri District Population Growth Rate

There was change of 22.76 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001. In the previous census of India 2001, Shivpuri District recorded increase of 27.40 percent to its population compared to 1991. 

Shivpuri District Density 2011

The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that density of Shivpuri district for 2011 is 171 people per sq. km. In 2001, Shivpuri district density was at 137 people per sq. km. Shivpuri district administers 10,066 square kilometers of areas. 

Shivpuri Literacy Rate 2011

Average literacy rate of Shivpuri in 2011 were 62.55 compared to 58.76 of 2001. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 74.56 and 48.79 respectively. For 2001 census, same figures stood at 74.02 and 40.74 in Shivpuri District. Total literate in Shivpuri District were 900,846 of which male and female were 573,242 and 327,604 respectively. In 2001, Shivpuri District had 664,162 in its district. 

Shivpuri Sex Ratio 2011

With regards to Sex Ratio in Shivpuri, it stood at 877 per 1000 male compared to 2001 census figure of 859. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In 2011 census, child sex ratio is 893 girls per 1000 boys compared to figure of 907 girls per 1000 boys of 2001 census data. 

Shivpuri Child Population 2011

In census enumeration, data regarding child under 0-6 age were also collected for all districts including Shivpuri. There were total 285,770 children under age of 0-6 against 275,646 of 2001 census. Of total 285,770 male and female were 150,950 and 134,820 respectively. Child Sex Ratio as per census 2011 was 893 compared to 907 of census 2001. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 16.56 percent of Shivpuri District compared to 19.60 percent of 2001. There was net change of -3.04 percent in this compared to previous census of India.
Actual Population1,726,0501,406,031
Population Growth22.76%27.40%
Area Sq. Km10,06610,066
Proportion to Madhya Pradesh Population2.38%2.33%
Sex Ratio (Per 1000)877859
Child Sex Ratio (0-6 Age)893907
Average Literacy62.5558.76
Male Literacy74.5674.02
Female Literacy48.7940.74
Total Child Population (0-6 Age)285,770275,646
Male Population (0-6 Age)150,950144,533
Female Population (0-6 Age)134,820131,113
Male Literates573,242452,976
Female Literates327,604211,186
Child Proportion (0-6 Age)16.56%19.60%
Boys Proportion (0-6 Age)16.41%19.10%
Girls Proportion (0-6 Age)16.72%20.19%

Population (%)82.88 %17.12 %
Total Population1,430,627295,423
Male Population763,554156,241
Female Population667,073139,182
Sex Ratio874891
Child Sex Ratio (0-6)895883
Child Population (0-6)245,77439,996
Male Child(0-6)129,71221,238
Female Child(0-6)116,06218,758
Child Percentage (0-6)17.18 %13.54 %
Male Child Percentage16.99 %13.59 %
Female Child Percentage17.40 %13.48 %
Male Literates458,705114,537
Female Literates244,93582,669
Average Literacy59.39 %77.21 %
Male Literacy72.37 %84.84 %
Female Literacy44.45 %68.65 %

Shivpuri District Urban Population 2011

Out of the total Shivpuri population for 2011 census, 17.12 percent lives in urban regions of district. In total 295,423 people lives in urban areas of which males are 156,241 and females are 139,182. Sex Ratio in urban region of Shivpuri district is 891 as per 2011 census data. Similarly child sex ratio in Shivpuri district was 883 in 2011 census. Child population (0-6) in urban region was 39,996 of which males and females were 21,238 and 18,758. This child population figure of Shivpuri district is 13.59 % of total urban population. Average literacy rate in Shivpuri district as per census 2011 is 77.21 % of which males and females are 84.84 % and 68.65 % literates respectively. In actual number 197,206 people are literate in urban region of which males and females are 114,537 and 82,669 respectively. 

Shivpuri District Rural Population 2011

As per 2011 census, 82.88 % population of Shivpuri districts lives in rural areas of villages. The total Shivpuri district population living in rural areas is 1,430,627 of which males and females are 763,554 and 667,073 respectively. In rural areas of Shivpuri district, sex ratio is 874 females per 1000 males. If child sex ratio data of Shivpuri district is considered, figure is 895 girls per 1000 boys. Child population in the age 0-6 is 245,774 in rural areas of which males were 129,712 and females were 116,062. The child population comprises 16.99 % of total rural population of Shivpuri district. Literacy rate in rural areas of Shivpuri district is 59.39 % as per census data 2011. Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 72.37 and 44.45 percent respectively. In total, 703,640 people were literate of which males and females were 458,705 and 244,935 respectively. 
All details regarding Shivpuri District have been processed by us after receiving from Govt. of India. We are not responsible for errors to population census details of Shivpuri District.

Urban Agglomerations inside Shivpuri DistrictPopulationMaleFemale
There is no Urban Agglomeration inside Shivpuri District

Cities inside Shivpuri DistrictPopulationMaleFemale
Shivpuri (Municipality)179,97295,22784,745

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